Turning Pro with Mental Illness | What Steven Pressfield Leaves Out
Have you read Steven Pressfield's best-selling book "Turning Pro" and loved it, but haven't actually been able to turn pro yourself? By the end of this video you'll know why that is, and hopefully feel a hell of a lot better about yourself, and feel empowered to turn pro in a way that works for you!
Watch the video below or read on for the transcript.
Grow Your Self Worth | Motivation with Chronic Pain
Do you have chronic pain or chronic illness, and struggle with self-worth and motivation? By the end of this video if you don't feel better about yourself and feel motivated, I'm not doing my job right.
Either watch the video below, or read on for the transcription.
Am I Lazy or Tired? Procrastination ISN'T the Problem
Do you procrastinate but aren't sure if it's whether you're lazy or tired? By the end of this post, you'll know the answer and know what your next step is to overcome it.
Either watch the video below, or read on for the video transcription.