The Ultimate Worthiness Affirmation For Spoonies
If you're a spoonie and struggle with worthiness, poor self-esteem, poor self-confidence, and/or generally have a habit of judging yourself harshly and beating yourself up, this video is for you. I'm going to teach you the ultimate worthiness affirmation that is an absolute favorite among my coaching clients. It really does have the power to change your life. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
Fear of Failure or Fear of Success? What's ACTUALLY Going On
Are you afraid of failure? Are you afraid of success? Or do you rapidly oscillate between the two and can't decide which one is actually holding you back? By the end of this video, you'll know what is actually going on so you can finally move on and start achieving your potential. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
STOP Using The 5 Minute Rule!
The 5 minute rule is a really popular productivity tip to help with procrastination and resistance. The rule is actually counterproductive however, and by the end of this video you'll know why and more importantly, what to try instead. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
Rating Productivity Tips | Spoonie Edition
If you're a Spoonie, you know how utterly unhelpful many common productivity tips, task management, and time management systems can be. I specialize in helping Spoonies be productive on their own terms, and today I want to share some of my opinions on common advice given to those struggling with procrastination, overwhelm, anxiety, and feeling stuck. By the end of this video, you'll have a better idea of what tips and systems can work for you, instead of trying to force yourself into an able-bodied or neurotypical box. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
Saying "This Should Be Easy" = Gaslighting Yourself
If you've ever told yourself or been told that, "This should be easy," you know how painful and frustrating that can be. It can make you feel angry. It can make you feel hopeless. It can make you feel broken. Let's change all that, shall we? By the end of this video, you'll know how to stop being so hard on yourself so you can finally start achieving your potential. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
The Real Reason You're Addicted To Planner Ideas
By the end of this video, you'll experience a powerful mindset shift that will allow you to transform your relationship with your productivity and yourself. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
Overwhelmed by your master to do list? You need THIS
To do list organization and task management tools are all good and fine, but if you continuously add things to your master to-do list without consideration for whether or not they've truly earned a spot in your task management system, no amount of task management skills are going to keep you from getting overwhelmed. By the end of this video, you'll know my number one strategy for escaping this cycle and ensuring that your to-do list gets and stays manageable, meaningful, and fulfilling. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
WARNING! If your mindset work doesn't include this, you're setting yourself up to fail ⚠️
Do you have a hard time believing it's possible for you to grow and change, even though you really want to grow and change? This kind of self-sabotage is called a fixed mindset, and by the end of this video, you'll know what to do about it so you can finally start changing your life today. Watch the video below, or read on for the transcript.
How To Actually USE Your Planner System (instead of letting it collect dust)
If you haven't touched your planner in days, if not weeks or months, or you have a stack of partially used planners gathering dust somewhere in your office, this for you. By the end of this video, you'll know how to start and keep using your planner, so it starts working for you and not the other way around. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
The Link Between PTSD Hypervigilance and Procrastination
There are many reasons why people procrastinate, but the one I'm talking about today, maybe it's the answer you've been looking for. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
Explaining What's Wrong With My Heart | How POTS Affects My Life
Are you curious about postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, AKA POTS, or just wanna learn about one of my chronic illnesses? Today I'm going to tell you about how POTS affects my body and my life. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
Perfectionism is destroying your productivity (and your mental health)
If you're watching this right now, I'm guessing you already know that your perfectionism is destroying both your productivity and your mental health. So instead of polishing that turd, by the end of this video, I wanna help you get to the bottom of your perfectionism and give you two concrete ways to start overcoming it today. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
4 Best Task Management Skills For When You're Overwhelmed
So you feel like you're drowning and all you want is a life raft. By the end of this video, you'll know the four best task management skills for when you're overwhelmed and you'll know which one will help you the most right now, because the last thing I want to do is add to your overwhelm. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
What is Polyvagal Theory? SIMPLIFIED!
Today, I'm going to give you a crash course in what polyvagal theory is and explain why it can be a helpful model for understanding and healing from trauma. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
What does eat the frog mean? | Time management strategies for mental illness
What does eat the frog mean? By the end of this video, you'll know exactly what it means and why it's one of the most popular time management strategies for beating procrastination and anxiety. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
Self Care Routine | How to prepare for a bad day
If you have a chronic illness, mental illness, trauma, and/or neurodivergence, you know that bad days happen and they're often unexpected and can throw you off course for days, if not weeks or months. Today, I want to help you build a self care routine for your bad days so you can make the most out of them without overdoing it. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
3 Steps to Become More Focused On Your Work (Spoonie & Neurodivergent Edition)
If you struggle to focus on your work and you have chronic illness, mental illness, trauma, and or neurodivergence, this video is for you. You'll learn three rarely discussed and simple steps to finally become more focused and unlock your productivity. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
STOP Victim Shaming Yourself
If you feel like you're more skilled at beating yourself up than anything else, if anyone has ever told you to stop playing the victim, this video is for you because sometimes you are a victim and it's not your fault. My goal by the end of this video is to not only help you feel better, but know what you can do to start moving forward. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.
Discipline doesn't work if you have mental illness. Here's what to do instead.
If you have depression and desperately want to change your behavior, but no matter what you do, you just can't develop discipline, this video is for you. You'll discover why you're struggling so much and discover four techniques that will actually help you make progress. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.
10 Google Calendar Tips for Productivity (2021)
Google calendar is one of the tools I use every day to stay productive and on top of things, and today I'm going to share with you 10 of my favorite Google calendar tips. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.